Friday 15 May 2009

My objective Marker, Brother Corvius has fallen!

Here is my objective marker. Brother Marine Corvius has fallen as his Tactical Squad was overrun by Orks in the town of Kervus Prime. The Blood Ravens will leave no one behind to the savage greenskins to toy with, let alone the Eldar to torment and interogate. They also need to recover the precious Geneseed from his squad.

I have modelled him sitting slumped and half dead up against the ruins of a building. Loosing off the last of his bolt shells and activating his Chainsword ready to take as many of the Vile Xenos scum with him!

I made it using a standard Tactical Marine with repositioned legs to make him sit. I then used a piece of cities of death wall for the background and a sheet of tectured plastic for the cobblestones which you will find in most good Model shops and soon on the exelent

I was going to add lots of dead Orks around him as Vic had the Audacity to add Dead Marines to his! How very dare he! However, after lots of uming and ahhing i realised that i made the base too small!
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