Thursday 14 May 2009

Casnus the arrival of unwanted parties.

Casnus an Imperial agriculture world in the zetor sector. Half the planet orbits the local sun in close ellipse resulting in half the world recieving too much sun and was burnt into a desert wasteland. The other half is cold and cruel many, few people wander there as it is eerie silent and many stories tell of creatures that feed off your very breath. Straddling the hot and cold divide of the planet exists a band of temperate climate good for sustaining the vast crops that this agri world exports.

Eldar - The Eldar farseer has had evil visions that disturb him and the sensitive wraithbone that surrounds him in his slumber. Sensing great menace the farseer summons an elite scouting force to investigate, leaving the craftworld towards Casnus.

Orks - Big Mek Locknut was bored, he and his whaaaaahh had come to an abrubt end after stripping the previous planet and building the vast kroozer that they were now on. The other orks were in fighting and several challenges had been attempted on his position of grand wahhhh master. Now in space there was only darkness, his latest crudely built device had an increased range but could not detect another planet nearby. 'Boss you got ta see dis!' yelled one of his Nob chiefs. Lugnut jumped up to the scanner panel that the Nob was pointing at and a wicked grin appeared. The scanners had picked up a faint trail of an Eldar ship, Lugnut knew that where ever the tricksy Eldar were going, there would be fighting or a pretty toy that use to turn into a nice big blasty weapon. The big mek picked up the shouta com and bellowed into it 'Boyz sharpen your choppas, we iz found a fight!'

Blood Ravens - The Blood Ravens space marines had stopped at Casnus for refuelgin and supplies. After stemming a Traitor Imperial guard rebellion in the Grason sector they were trapped in a warp storm for 11 months and needed to get a new astropath for their ship since the previous one's head exploded from the strain of guiding the ship through deamon temptation infested warp space. Sergeant Noris looked at the landed ships navigation devices that he was monitoring and noticed a distant bleep, closer scans picked up an Eldar ship pursued by an Ork hulk heading straight for Casnus. The Blood Ravens commander was notified, he swiftly ordered the planetary defences and brother marines into the 3 bravo defence pattern. With bolt shells loaded the space marines watched the incoming forces.

This is our first try at creating a narrative for the tale of three gamers as so far they have been a series of random battles.
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