Wednesday 27 May 2009

Month 2 battle (800pts): Vic vs Gareth

This is the battle report for month 2 Vic vs Gareth at 800pts

The general deployment of the battlefield looked like this. The mission was capture the enemy objective which made use of the markers that we had modelled up this month.

This was the state of play at turns 3-4 The terminators shrugged off round after round of fire from anything that could reach from the Orks. While they unrelentingly marched forward with covering by the Sternguard long range Kraken bolts. The Shoota boyz were wittled down and eventually broke, fleeing past the Lootas and much to Vic's relief stopped one inch from the board edge. However the fight was knocked out of the lootas a turn later who promptly fled the battlefield.

Turns 5-6 saw a continued stalemate firefight on the Western side, whilst the Blood raven tactical squad sneaked closer to the Ork objective. The Nob in charge of the Ork Boyz issued a Waaaaghhh and ordered his boyz to intercept them.

The battle was bloody to say the least! After cutting down seven marines with only two casualties the Orks finished off the remaining sergeant and co as they charged back into the fray.

However the battle was a draw as neither side were able to capture the enemy objective.

Vic post game reflections:
I was reasonably happy with how the battle went, Kantor and his buddy sternguard sat guarding their objective which would have taken the whole concentration of my army to capture. In the end they stayed out of harms way... relatively while I the Terminators took as much lead as the Orks could through at them. The old adage of getting marines to take as many armour saves as possible did not work!

I must try not to leave my lootas so close to the board edge in future and keep them over 12 inches in. They are my trump card when dealing with armour and loosing them was a worry.

And lastly for this battle, keep your Nobz in the front of the unit. It should go without saying buy on the turn that they charged the tactical marines the Nob was left out of two inches from a model in hand to hand. I don't know what happened, probably having to move twenty boyz at a time made me forget him.

Gareth post game reflections:
What can i say? Either i am a very very bad commander or marines do not suit small games! It costs over 400 points for 1 hq and 2 troops! That being said, it could of been different. Looking back on it i would of been better sending in the Terminators with the tactical squad to beef up the owd combat but hindsite is a wonderfull thing and i never learn from it anyway! All in i was beaten by the best man (or big green smelly ork) All i can say is, when the stakes get higher, the orks will have a fight on their hands with Bob the Company Master and his mates!
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