Friday 1 May 2009

Gareth again. how i base my models.

First off i like to use the Daemonscape range of resin bases as they are ready detailed, simple to paint and best of all good value for money compared to other resin bases available. These are the cobblestone bases and come in all the sizes you will need (25mm, 40mm, 65mm) There is no need to undercoat them although you can if you prefer.
I painted the cobblestones Adeptus Battlegrey and the sides of the base in the same colour.

Then simply paint the mud area Khemri Brown and off we pop, ready to go detailed bases. I like to pin my models to the bases for stability using a Hobby Drill and a piece of paperclip. Obviously you can use any bases and paint them in any colour and also add highlights/flocks ect for extra detail. This is just a simple and efective way to have detailed bases for no more effort than painting a standard, flat, plastic base.
If you want to have a look at the Daemonscape bases they are available at There are a few different types available in round and square bases (I use the square ones for my Bretonnians)

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