Saturday 6 June 2009

Big Mek Stompy Klinik complete!

This is the side objective for this month, I opted to build a Mek hut in a similar style of the one in the Dawn of War game and added other details like the look out tower. You might have noticed that in the WIP I had a base with it which I have now decided not to include as the building can freestand on the battlefield without it. The round bit in the first picture is supposed to be a power generator of sorts and the watch tower fits one 25mm based figure like a rikkit launcha boy.
The remainig two walls show a lil gretchin shop for pawning spare go fasta bits and a shooting range to test the Big Mek's latest contraptions. The top of the hut can hold up to ten 25mm based models with three manning a mounted big shoota.
Here is a close up of my favourite bits, the Big shootas, Gretchin trading hole and the shooting gallery.


  1. The Klinik looks great, the Gretchin trading hole genius!

  2. Cheers Andy, I had a lot of fun making it.



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